
Why Health Starts with Leadership on Barbell Shrugged

by | Feb 1, 2019

On her FOURTH appearance on the Barbell Shrugged Podcast, Dr. Theresa Larson is here to talk about everything from finding your calling to the difference between adaptive and disabled.

Without further ado, let’s get into it!

When Dr. T first started Physical Therapy, it became readily apparent that traditional PT wasn’t for her. She began to explore other platforms to further her passion and impact more people. Slowly she’s started to shift to more of a storyteller, working with businesses, building a media platform, and literally impacting people globally.

But of all the things that Dr. T does in her life, working with the Adaptive community really “fills her cup.” Society views them as the disabled population, but they’re so much more than that. She’s currently working to change the conversation around the term “disabled” and shifting it to “adaptive.”

The adaptive community is one of the most mentally resilient communities ever and has becomes Dr. T’s tribe and her healing environment. They’re coming off pain medication and anti-depressants and fighting to get their lives back.

The beauty of the adaptive community is that they’re constantly proving that movement is literally medicine. By moving they are showing that they can cure anxiety, depression, physical pain, and overcome the biggest obstacles in life.

And the message that they’re sending is clear: if they can do it, what is our excuse?

This episode really gets into the down and dirty of the power of finding your tribe and how health impacts leadership. Listen below and make sure to leave a review!

What we’re covering in this episode:

  • Larson’s story and the journey to finding her calling
  • How asking for help can elevate your business and the power of a tribe
  • Training adaptive athletes and why you need to understand the individual
  • Repattern your thought process to overcome hardship
  • The difference between adaptive and disabled
  • Why creating sustainable motivation is critical for success
  • How to help others while protecting your energy and why health starts with leadership
  • Creating healthy habits in your everyday routine
  • The steps you can take today create a fulfilling life