Clever Talks – She did not let her disorder stop her from being a warrior

Clever Talks – She did not let her disorder stop her from being a warrior

Dr. T shares her story with Clever Talks.

Clever Talks™ is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that features empowering speakers making a difference in the world to benefit military millennials.
Mission Statement: Our mission is to improve lives through ideas.
Founded in March 2014, Clever Talks has gained momentum throughout communities across America. Clever Talks has featured speakers from Shark Tank, America’s Best Dance Crew, The Today Show, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and more.

Dr. T on Eagle Nation Podcast

Dr. T on Eagle Nation Podcast

Dr. T on Eagle Nation Podcast

Theresa Larson is a woman with many titles and one inspiring story. She’s played college and professional softball, served as a US Marine, and is now a doctor of physical therapy in San Diego. In her recent memoir, Warrior, Theresa bravely shares her story of being platoon commander in Iraq and battling some inner demons. We have a very raw and honest conversation about: The issues that come with being a perfectionist The challenges of being a female Marine officer How movement and exercise helps us overcome trauma The importance of owning and sharing our stories

Check out the podcast.

The Movement Fix Episode 27

The Movement Fix Episode 27

On episode 27 of The Movement Fix Podcast, I am joined by Theresa Larson, DPT, CSCS.

Theresa is a physical therapist, movement coach, author, member of the Mobility WOD staff, previously an All-American D1 softball player, former Lieutenant in the Marines, and owner of Movement RX. Let’s just say, she has a lot of amazing things going for her.

It was my great pleasure to spend over an hour having a candid conversation with Theresa about all sorts of things relating to her past, movement, business, and more.

– Dr. Ryan DeBell, The Movement Fix

40+ Fitness

40+ Fitness

Check out Theresa’s interview on 40+ Fitness

I couldn’t imagine a better guest on the episode going live on the day the US celebrates independence than a woman who served in Iraq helping us stay free and safe, Theresa Larsen.

Theresa Larson has been a professional softball player, an award-winning fitness competition contestant, and a lieutenant in the Marines, where she led an entire platoon while deployed in Iraq. She is now a doctor of physical therapy and the founder of Movement Rx, offering support to wounded warriors and individuals with movement issues. Theresa travels all over the world as a speaker for the CrossFit Movement and Mobility course and is a consultant for the world-renowned MobilityWOD. She is a lululemon athletica ambassador, a LALO Tactical ambassador, and works with Team Red, White & Blue, LinderKids, The Resilience Project, the National Eating Disorders Association, and other nonprofits. She lives in San Diego, California.

-Allan Misner, 40+ Fitness